How I Met Your Mother S08E19 – The Fortress

After Robin asks Barney to sell his bachelor pad so they can build a home together, Barney is reluctant and drives away potential buyers. Meanwhile, Lily’s commitment to her job as The Captain’s art consultant strains her relationship with Marshall.

While doing the morning crossword puzzle together in bed, Robin brings up to Barney that they should decide where they're going to live as a married couple. Barney's first suggestion is that they keep living in his apartment but Robin suggests that they sell his apartment and look for another apartment together, and Barney agrees to this. Later on, he invites Ted over to offer him "The Fortress of Barnitude" and change it to "The Fortress of Soli-Ted" but he rejects the offer too. Later that night, Barney tells Robin that Ted refused so this means they are staying in his apartment. Robin goes off on a tangent that she gave up her beautiful apartment and that relationships are about trust and compromising between partners.

Robin later holds an open house at Barney's apartment, without his consent. When Barney gets there, he is infuriated with Robin. He proceeds to scare away potential buyers by showing them all of his bachelor techniques which people consider gross and very inappropriate. One couple braves against Barney's peculiar systems and tells Robin that they will buy the place. Robin is overjoyed, but Barney is flabbergasted. Robin talks to the couple alone, apologizing for all the quirks her fiance implemented inside the apartment. The couple talk about how they will wreck the place and make it livable for actual human beings, which angers Robin. She promptly yells at them to leave.

When Barney tells Robin that he is ready to sell his apartment for her because he never wants to be alone again and wants her to be happy, Robin relays the events to Barney, telling him that she doesn't want to change him too much and accepts every part of him, the good and the bad. Both are touched by each others gestures and make up.

Meanwhile, Marshall is frustrated that Lily is consistently called in by The Captain when they try to spend some time together. He gets help from Ted for looking after Marvin, who also fills in for Lily in singing Marvin his lullaby. When Lily calls Marshall to cancel the plans of an evening they had, Marshall is infuriated. Ted suggests that they watch "Woodworthy Manor", a British themed soap opera, to get Marshall's mind off this. Marshall resists as the show is something he and Lily watch together, but eventually gives in.

At the open house, a woman mistakes Marshall and Ted being a couple with a baby. Lily, who had just arrived, tried to correct the woman who lashes out at her for being a homophobe. Marshall decides to get back at Lily by going with the facade that he and Ted are together. Lily retaliates by talking about her ex-husband" and mocking "his" football team, The Vikings. Another woman takes an interest in Ted and he makes out with her.

At the bar, Lily and Marshall make up when Lily refuses to track down yet another painting for the Captain. Ted laments when he sees Lily and Marshall and Barney and Robin are back to being happy and wonders when he'll find something real. The woman he made out with before at the open house shows up, offering to show him what it's like being with a woman for the first time, still under the impression that he's gay. Barney is filled with pride as he calls Ted "son" and pulls him into a fatherly embrace.

Later, Marshall, Lily and Ted attempt to make Barney and Robin watch "Woodworthy Manor". Robin and Barney are clearly unimpressed and exit the apartment via the chute Barney designed to escape from annoying women. 

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