How I Met Your Mother S08E24 – Something New

As the gang prepares to head out to Robin and Barney’s wedding, Ted invites Lily to see the house he's finally finished fixing up. Meanwhile, Robin and Barney’s night of relaxation is ruined by an obnoxious couple, and Marshall takes the baby on a last-minute trip to Minnesota to see his family.

Future Ted tells his kids in the spring of 2013, that he was finishing renovating his house, Barney and Robin were practicing their first dance, and Marshall and Lily were finishing packing for Rome.
While packing, Lily gets a call from her mother-in-law, Judy. Lily tells Judy that she is busy packing for Rome, but finds out that Marshall hadn't told her about their yearlong move to Rome, and planned on telling her a few months after already living there. Judy demands that they let her see Marvin before they move, and Marshall suggests that she visit them for a week. However, Lily objects, saying that the place will be all packed up. Marshall then suggests that they all go visit her for a week, but Lily says can't go to Minnesota, as she has a job. Finally Marshall suggests that he take Marvin for a week to Minnesota, which Lily reluctantly agrees to. While Marshall and Marvin are in Minnesota, Judy "jokes" that she either won't let them move to Rome or accompany them as well, which starts freaking Lily out. She talks to Marshall about this one the phone, but he assures her that nothing is going to change their plans of moving to Rome. As he hangs up the phone, he gets a call back about his application for a judgeship, telling him that there is an opening for him to be a judge next Tuesday. Marshall asks the man about there being any possibility about him becoming a judge after his trip to Rome, but he is informed that he has to begin next Tuesday.
At the the bar, Ted informs Lily that the renovation of his house in Westchester is complete. She accompanies him to see the house, and is amazed. She talks about how Ted's future kids will enjoy their time in the house, but then sees a "For Sale" sign. She asks Ted about it, and he tells her that he is soon moving to Chicago. He tells her that he has looked everywhere in New York for the love of his life and has failed, and that maybe she is in Chicago. Lily tries to convince him that the love of his life is somewhere in New York. When she asks him when he is leaving, he tells her that it's the day after the wedding. Lily then realizes that he's moving to Chicago to get away from Robin after she gets married to Barney. Lily asks if something happened between him and Robin lately, he tells her what happened when they were finding the locket that was meant to be Robin's something old. He says that he would do anything to get that locket to make Robin happy. Lily then tells him that she knows where the locket it is. She recounts a story from of not long before his wedding to Stella was supposed to take place.
Robin was at the bar drunk and laments in front of Lily about Ted marrying Stella and not her, and that she is moving to Japan just to get away from him. In her drunken state, she took Lily to Central Park and dug up the locket. At the apartment, she told Lily that as Ted is not marrying her, she won't be able to use the locket as her something old, and will take it to Japan. Lily then puts the locket in a racecar pencil box sitting on a desk for Robin to safely take it with her.
When Lily finishes telling the story, Ted tells her that he has the racecar pencil box and that the locket was with him all along. He joyously says that this will be the best wedding gift to Robin, but Lily cautions him.
Meanwhile, after being done with their wedding arrangements, Barney and Robin go to a dinner date at a restaurant. While sitting at the bar (of the restaurant) Barney tells Robin that he booked their favorite table and shows her the cigars he bought, which were the first cigars they ever smoked together, which Robin is really touched by. As they are looking at the cigars, a couple sitting next to them asks them to put the them away. They tell the couple that they are not going to smoke them, but the couple complains of the smell. When Barney puts the cigars in the bag, they ask him to put the bag away as well, as the cigars are unappetizing to look at. This annoys Barney and Robin a lot and they declare the couple as their arch enemies. When the couple take Barney and Robin's table and they get a table by the kitchen door, which hits Barney in the back multiple times, this proves to be the last straw for them and they decide to break up the obnoxious couple.
Robin decides to pull the "ring in the champagne glass" to break the couple up, which apparently does the job. When the girl sees the rings and gets excited, the guy says that he is not ready to commit, which leads to a big fight.
Outside the restaurant, Barney and Robin celebrate breaking the couple up by smoking the cigars that Barney brought. The obnoxious couple then walks up to them and tells them that instead of breaking up, they actually got engaged. Barney and Robin congratulate them and are amazed at what their actions did.
The Mother, revealed. On Friday at 10 AM, 56 hours before the wedding, everyone heads to Farhampton where the wedding is taking place. Ted is standing in his empty apartment. He takes a wrapped box and puts it in his bag. As he goes out the door he looks at his apartment. Before leaving, Lily calls Marshall (who is about to board a flight back), excited that they will be in Rome next week. As he hangs up, his brother Marcus asks him why hasn't told Lily yet, and Marshall says that it is face to face news. Marcus then addresses Marshall as "Your Honor", implying that Marshall has taken the offer to be a judge. Lily then leaves together with Ted. Barney and Robin are happily leaving to go get married with Ranjit as their Limo driver. Lily asks Ted when he will be leaving, and he says that he will leave early in the morning, the day after the wedding and he will take a train to the city during the night after the wedding. The Mother is then seen walking towards the ticketing booth at a train station, carrying her yellow umbrella and her bass guitar. As she asks for a ticket to Farhampton, her face is seen for the first time by the audience.

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