How I Met Your Mother S08E02 – The Pre-Nup

When Barney designs an extensive pre-nup, the guys take note and propose their own relationship amendments to their significant others. Meanwhile, Quinn is outraged and draws up a pre-nup of her own, which causes friction between the sexes.

Future Ted narrates that the summer of 2012 was the summer of love, with all four couples being happy. He then skips ahead to October 2012, the kick off to what came to be known as the autumn of break ups.

At work, Arthur Hobbs, Barney's colleague, advises him to get a pre-nup. Barney tells him that he trusts Quinn, but Arthur scares him by telling him what happened to him after his divorce. Barney then prepares a pre-nup, with Arthur's help, which includes preposterous terms, leaving Quinn outraged. While Quinn discusses this with Lily and Robin, Barney discusses with Marshall, Ted and Nick that there must be something in their relationships which they would like to change, which they all deny. However, later that night, the other three guys tell their partners about things they would like to change in their relationships:
Marshall wants to play with Marvin in kind of dangerous way, which Lily, being over protective, doesn't allow.
Nick wants Robin not to watch TV while they are in bed (Not knowing that Robin is turned on watching herself do the news).
Ted wants to throw Klaus out of his apartment, whom he had previously let stay with him to become a hero in front of Victoria which he regrets afterwards.

Quinn then decides to prepare a pre-nup of her own with the help of the girls, which has terms just as preposterous as Barney's. However, when the guys arrive to help Barney, all the couples start fighting. However, Arthur helps them by asking them to talk to each other about their feelings. Later, Barney and Quinn are about to throw away their pre-nups, but can't. Barney brings up Quinn tricking him out of thousands, and Quinn brings up all of Barney's one night stands. They then say that they both need pre-nups, and that they haven't finished adding stuff to them. They realize that they don't trust each other if they have to go through such complicated pre-nups to get married. Barney then tells Ted and Marshall that they broke up, and he has realized that he will never trust someone enough to get married.

A flashforward then shows Barney talking to his colleagues about his upcoming wedding to Robin. Arthur then asks if he needs a pre-nup but Barney replies "not this time" with a smile because Barney trusts Robin. Robin walks in, they kiss and the two head for lunch together.

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