How I Met Your Mother S07E21 – Now We’re Even

Just as Ted starts to settle into his new apartment alone, Barney tries to entice him into going out every single night. Meanwhile, Lily has a provocative dream about someone other than Marshall, and Robin finally becomes a famous news anchor.

Ted is beginning to get used to living alone. He tells Marshall all the things he feels free to do now, particularly being able to walk around naked and eating takeout food he saved for himself. But this new freedom coincides with a new plot of Barney's to "make every night legendary" by doing things like establishing a Mariachi band and bringing a horse inside MacLaren's. Barney insists Ted join him, but finally Ted balks at Barney's proposal to bungee-jump off of the Statue of Liberty. Barney locks Ted out of the apartment to make him go out on the town, but Ted just goes down to MacLaren's instead. Finally Barney admits that he needs Ted to take Barney's mind off of Quinn stripping in the Lusty Leopard. Ted, deciding to help him out, takes up Barney's challenge to pick up a woman while wearing a green dress.
Meanwhile, Marshall is distraught upon learning that Lily has had a sex dream about someone else that she refuses to tell him about. As they go out on a fancy dinner date, he notices the way she acts around Ranjit and decides that he was the one she dreamed about. He accuses her of "sleep cheating," and Lily angrily leaves him and seeks advice from Quinn. Later over dinner, Marshall and Ranjit talk about the dreams and Ranjit counsels him that part of being a good husband and father is remaining calm while everyone else acts crazy. Marshall realizes that all the men in Lily's sex dreams were all great fathers, and so tells Lily that everything is fine, telling her that he's going to be a great dad. Lily resolves to keep her wildest sex dreams a secret.
Although Robin has been promoted at World Wide News, she is hurt to see how she is the only one in the building that needs an ID to get through without recognition, telling Lily and Marshall that she wishes she were famous. Sandy Rivers asks her do a traffic report from a helicopter. When the helicopter pilot has a stroke, she is able to successfully land the helicopter. It is covered live on television. Everyone else watches breathlessly as Robin makes it to the ground safely. The incident made Robin an instant star - which resulted in her meeting Mayor Michael Bloomberg, appearing on Letterman, and having a special deli sandwich named after her. She gets a call or text from everyone she knows, including from Ted, even though he wasn't talking to her at the time.

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