How I Met Your Mother S06E24 – Challenge Accepted

Robin and Barney bond when they stop Ted from getting back together with an ex (until they run into Nora), and Marshall and Lily watch a ticking clock as he fears that he soon will be the victim of food poisoning.

Due to Marshall feeling down, Lily decides to get them both some of their favorite soup from the Blue Bowl, a local soup-ery. But shortly after eating it, Lily gets sick and begins throwing up. Desperate to stop Marshall from eating any, after an attempt to call him, she runs from the school to meet him at the house. She stops him just before he takes a bite... of his third bowl.
Marshall has an important business meeting with a prospective employer and has a countdown set to when he'll begin vomiting as well. While at the meeting, he resists vomiting, despite a plethora of disgusting images and stories that the employer tells. Eventually, he gives up and tells the employer he is set to vomit soon and runs out of the room.
Discouraged that he probably blew his chance at his dream job, he comes home and just wants to get some rest before his "countdown" finishes. He awakes in the morning to find out that he hadn't gotten sick at all; only then strikes the fact, Lily is actually pregnant, and had morning sickness.
Meanwhile, Barney and Ted are arguing about who is going to push the button to demolish the Arcadian. Just
Barney and Robin stops Ted from getting back together with Zoey
then, he is made in charge of deciding what bulb to choose for the 50,000 bulbs that are to be used in the new GNB headquarters. Unable to make a decision on what light bulb to use and searching for help desperately, he runs into Zoey who is down on her luck following their breakup. She asks him if he wants to get coffee, and subsequently tells him she wants to get back together. He decides to meet with her and buys her an orchid, like he first did for her. However, despite arriving half an hour ahead of Barney and Robin, Ted is held up as he wants to give the "perfect orchid" and wastes half an hour searching for it. Barney and Robin stop him before he can meet Zoey and
Barney bumps into Nora
convince him not to do so because it is a bad idea. So he passes the flower to an old lady and asks her to give it to the blonde girl sitting in the cafe but a random blonde receives the flower by mistake.
When it is time to demolish the Arcadian, Barney gives Ted the button, because he earned it. Ted, Robin, and Barney watch the Arcadian fall to the ground.
Soon after, Barney meets Nora again, and seems to desire reconciliation. Robin looks at the two longingly, implying unresolved feelings for Barney.
Finally, the scene cuts to the wedding that Ted is the best man at. He is called by Lily to help the groom, and the groom is revealed to be Barney.

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