How I Met Your Mother S06E20 – The Exploding Meatball Sub

Marshall's change of career upsets both Lily and Barney. Zoey's steps to stop Ted's GNB headquarters project causes problems between them.

Future Ted explains that though his relationship with Zoey was going well, the fact she was still campaigning to stop Ted’s project may put a damper on it. Ted and the others realize how much he and Zoey disagree and argue with each other, a polar opposite of Lily and Marshall’s relationship, where the two always seem to be in support of each other. Ted and Lily argue throughout the episode about whose relationship is better. However, Ted begins to feel Lily is right and is growing tired of his constant feuding with Zoey; he is also especially annoyed that Zoey had requested the Arcadian be listed as a landmark, which could scrap his entire project if accepted. When Ted argues again with Zoey about his dream to build a skyscraper in New York, he begins thinking he needs to break up with her. However, Ted realizes he has grown fond of their arguing, and instead kisses her. Future Ted muses on which type of relationship is better, but promptly decides a supportive one is best, a fact his younger self would have to learn the hard way.

Marshall has been growing increasingly displeased with his job at GNB, and is considering quitting soon to get a job with the Natural Resources Defense Council. Lily assures him that he has her full support no matter what, despite Barney pointing out Marshall’s new job would have considerably less pay. Lily’s resolve is tested, however, when Marshall later quits GNB and begins work at the NRDC, but only in a volunteer position (as all the paid positions have been filled). Marshall later offers his home to host an NRDC fundraiser, and Lily takes Ted to pick up a guest from the airport. When they arrive, however, Lily reveals she has grown fed up with Marshall’s plans, as he doesn't appear to be thinking about their future and has also stopped trying to have a baby with her. She promptly leaves to head to Spain, a trip she had been hoping to take with Marshall but may now seem impossible. Later, at the fundraiser, Ted attempts to tell Marshall about Lily, but she makes a surprise return and assures Marshall again he has her support. Ted’s glance at her causes Lily to begin to reveal her doubts, but Marshall thanks Lily for her support and states that he will begin looking for another job with pay.

Robin discusses Graduation Goggles with the gang. She says that as soon as you are about to leave, quit or break up with someone or something, you start to enjoy everything you hated about it before because you realise that it will all be gone once you leave. Examples of Graduation Goggles were; when Robin was going to break up with Scooby, she started to enjoy his dog-like kissing; when Marshall was about to quit GNB, he began to like the paperwork, dirty jokes etc, and when Ted almost broke up with Zoey, he began to like being challenged again. Robin said that you can't trust Graduation Goggles, because you will grow to hate them again.

Upon hearing Marshall’s decision to quit GNB, Barney is considerably shaken, prompting Robin to wonder if it is because of Barney’s recent estrangement from his father. After Robin witnesses Barney tearing up his office, the two finally talk about it. Barney explains the real reason, leaving Robin in disbelief as it is over a trivial incident: some time ago, Marshall had pointed out some marinara sauce on Barney’s clothes while eating a meatball sub. Extremely irked by this comment, Barney spent months plotting his revenge, designing an exploding meatball sub to give to Marshall. Marshall had quit on the day Barney had planned to have Marshall receive the sub, prompting Barney’s anguish.

In the end, ten years later, Barney is shown apparently on his death bed, with his grieving friends beside him. Barney tells Marshall to eat a meatball sub he has as his last request; the sub promptly explodes in Marshall’s face, and Barney reveals he isn’t actually sick, laughing at his success, as it was all a ruse to get Marshall to take the sub. When Ted points out some marinara sauce on Barney’s clothes, Barney begins eyeing Ted in the same vengeful way he had with Marshall.

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