How I Met Your Mother S06E15 – Oh Honey

With Marshall stuck in Minnesota, the gang tell him about their time with Honey, Zoey's beautiful, naïve cousin, and about the new development in Ted and Zoey's friendship.

After his father's funeral, Marshall stays in Minnesota to help take care of his Mom. He gets a phone call from Robin, who explains what's been happening during his absence.

One night, when Robin was cooking dinner for the gang, Ted passes a bottle of ketchup to Zoey which she drops, smashing it. Although Ted asks her to go out to buy a new bottle, Ted agrees to go out and get it himself. In return, Zoey sets him up with her hot cousin, Honey.

Since Marshall has never met Honey, Robin describes Honey to Marshall as being a warm, beautiful girl, but being very naïve and gullible. The gang meets her at MacLaren's, and as the night goes on, everyone eventually leaves but Ted and Barney. Things are going really well between Ted and Honey, and she suggests they go back to his place. However, Ted declines. Instead, he lets Barney take her home.

Once back at The Apartment, he reveals to Robin why he didn't go home with Honey; because he's in love with Zoey. When he went to pass her the ketchup earlier, their hands touched causing Ted to drop the bottle and realize what he feels for her is more than just friendship. Since Zoey's married, Ted hosts an intervention for himself and asks the gang for advice.

Marshall gets a call from Barney, and puts Robin on hold to speak with him. Barney summarizes his night with Honey, and then explains how, outside GNB, he ran into Zoey, and Zoey hugged him once she found out Ted didn't sleep with Honey. He doesn't know why, until Marcus, who has been listening in on Marshall's entire conversation, interrupts and tells them that Zoey must love Ted too.

Marshall quickly calls Ted to share the news, but Ted stops him and reveals he told Zoey they couldn't be friends anymore because Lily hates her. Lily calls Marshall, and explains that Zoey arrived at their apartment to find out why Lily hates her. In doing so, she reveals she's been going through a difficult time. Lily passes the blame on by saying it's Robin who really hates her. Robin quickly calls Marshall and explains that she passed the blame on too, by saying it's Marshall that really hates her.

Marshall gets a phone call from an unknown number, and is convinced it's Zoey, but when he answers it, Honey is on the phone. She explains how Barney left his cell phone at her apartment and called Marshall through the phone's contact list to find a way to give it back to him.

Honey reveals how, back at her apartment, Barney began to cry about his Dad. Barney recently tried to contact him, pouring his heart out in a letter, but his dad hasn't tried to contact him back.

Marshall manages to trick Honey into revealing that Zoey is in the process of divorcing The Captain. He calls his family into the bedroom, explaining how Ted and Zoey both love each other (but don't know the other one does) and that Zoey is no longer married. They agree that Marshall has to call them and let them know how the other one feels.

Meanwhile, Zoey arrives at The Apartment, demanding an answer for why they're no longer friends. Ted lies, and says he hates her, listing annoying things about her. As Zoey leaves, Marshall calls Zoey, and then Ted, and tells them that the other one loves them. They reconcile and begin to kiss, while an ecstatic Eriksen family celebrates.

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