How I Met Your Mother S02E05 – World’s Greatest Couple

Things get weird when Lily moves in with Barney. Marshall's relationship with Brad gets out of hand.

Ted and Robin go to Lily's new apartment to bring her a housewarming gift, but find that her new place is absolutely horrendous. Her bed, which folds out from the wall, makes contact with the door and wall, while her kitchen and her bathroom (as well as her stove, sink, oven, and refrigerator) are combined. Furthermore, she has a raccoon as a roommate, who eats the housewarming gift Ted and Robin brought over. Neither Ted nor Robin can invite Lily to their place, since Marshall and Ted live together (at this point Marshall and Lily aren't a couple) and Robin has a lot of dogs, which Lily is allergic to. Ted and Robin want Barney to let Lily stay over at his place, which he immediately rejects. However, when the wall falls down in Lily's apartment when she pulls the bed down, Ted gives her the spare key, and when Barney arrives after work, he finds Lily sitting on his couch. After some initial reluctance, he agrees to let Lily stay for two days, as long as she doesn't try to change anything. Barney gets annoyed with Lily when she buys groceries, saying that he would be in a relationship if he wanted a refrigerator full of groceries and fresh coffee in the morning. He then gives Lily a tour of his apartment, full of things that try to scare off relationships, such as a king-size bed with a full size blanket and one pillow, a toilet seat which will not remain down, and professionally lit bookshelves of porn. When one particular woman is not deterred by any of these things, Barney finds Lily helpful, as she can pretend to be his wife and scare off the woman. Barney then insists that Lily stay, which she will do only if he allows her to give his apartment a slight makeover so that it looks more like a woman lives there. Lily and Barney accidentally sleep in the same bed and merely cuddle together, Barney thinks that he and Lily are in a relationship, and he wants out. Lily gets to keep anything she picked out for Barney's apartment and takes it to her own apartment, and lives there instead of living with Barney.

Meanwhile, Marshall finds that it is hard being single after being in a committed relationship for so long. He had originally bought tickets to an Alanis Morissette concert when he and Lily were still together, but was disappointed that he had trouble finding someone to go with him. He decides to hang out with Brad, a friend of his from law school who is also recently single. They go to the concert, brunch, and a Broadway play, insisting to a curious and skeptical Ted and Robin that it is merely two bros hanging out together. They go to dinner and Marshall begins to feel like he and Brad are in a romantic relationship: Brad pays for dinner, helps Marshall with his coat, and invites Marshall to go to a wedding in Vermont with Brad. Marshall arrives at Brad's apartment to go to the wedding, and sees Brad holding flowers. Marshall tries to break up with Brad, but it turns out that Brad has moved on. Marshall is finally relieved that he wouldn't have worry about Brad making advances on him. Later on, there is an awkward situation when Marshall and Ted run into Brad on the street.

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